
Our show in Conservatoire at 12 Jan.2010

Welcome to our interactive environment based on the water tower at Queen Elizabeth hospital, Selly Oak, the environment will hold a number of spaces that reference the history of the area, workhouse history, age in the Second World War....

Bring our Emagin, come back to the old times and get more experiences of the new media!

Conservatoire, Birmingham, 12 Jan.2010, 2-5pm,
VRU, MA Digital Arts in Performance

Genius Prarnav Mistry and "Sixth Sense"

Can you believe there are someone come from MIT is trying to solve the problem between machines and human beings, while we are creating more and more new machines to change our life? Prarnav Mistry and his team focus on human nature, trying to release our nature from using machines. You won't be able to miss any seconds of this video, this technique will be written into the history of the world.

It will be inosculated between the data world and the real world by “ Sixth Sense", and the new age will begin from here.

by the way, all the code and source will be opened, the inventer hope more and more people could use it in their own area.... Brilliant !


Amazing 3D immersion technology

Today, we tried to preview the space we made in HL, found that the "E-magin machine" didn't match our body move a lot, after wear the glass 5 minutes, I feel giddy at all, maybe it need adjust....or maybe we will feel better on the big screen in conservatoire. Something like below:

"WATG’s incredible hotel and resort work provide a superb example of the power of this tool. Why not let a client walk through their new resort before ground has even been broken? Take them into one of these and they’ll never settle for blueprints and a miniature model again.

Part of what makes this experience so wonderful is the lack of heavy, complicated headgear. The viewer is free to walk around, and the environment responds to their every move. There’s no training required or cumbersome technology to stand in the way of the content. But the effect doesn’t come cheap: you’ll need over half a million dollars and a lot of space to pull this off."

Story Board

We need some detail works for the presentation in conservatoire, to make it a whole. So I have read some history of Selly Oak Hospital, and choose some important parts to rewrite, corrected by Iona. It will be at the entrance to explain Jovi's history pictures.

These are the story board of our working progress, will be at the wall of the exit.

We are going to the print work today, I have tried to explain we need the dull cover not the bright one, it is difficult, I just said "dark, dark....", so discomfiture... the print cost in UK is very expensive than China, far more, we talked about running a print studio, a joke....

Models by C4D

Finally, we are finished all the models, some is unbefitting at the very beginning, depending on the history or the space.

Important rule in Half-Life about imput the object is every object better owns around 1000 polygons, I made some complicated models before around 4000 polygons or more such as wheelchair, tank, sewing machine and so on. We can't imput them by HL so I have to figure out how to make the models as smooth as possible and use less polygons.

I found that more polygons maybe come from the circle or sphere, if it is small enough, the number of the polygons is not important for them, so I decided start from that kinds of things. After that I need to delete all of the texture on them, and then find some fitable texture with JPEG form share with Iona, she did very beautiful texture more than I found, very comfortable.


Tank_with texture


SewingMachine_with texture









WheelChair_with texture



C4D screenshot of edit interface